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Drug Free Rehab

Unprecedented100% Drug Free Guarantee!

State Governments such as Kentucky are saturated in drug-related crimes. There’s evidence-based help, there’s hope!

Where to find evidence-based treatment?

Let us point you in the direction of ShatterProof or


“What we find all too often for addicts fortunate enough to find treatment services is a disastrous pattern of serial admissions to short-term programs.”

“Evidence-based long-term treatment with medication-assistance and Psychotherapy works, we just have to provide it smartly”

Mitchell S. “Mitch” Rosenthal, M.D.

Long-term Treatment

Detox and a 28 day rehab has proven to fail, over, and over, and over,… There is however a path to success.

2nd Chance Programs

2nd Chance programs following the Rosenthal Model are evidence-based and proven to work.

Findings are Astonishing

A Kentuckian dad sought to understand the attacks on him and his children via officers, attorneys,… What he discovers is absolutly astonishing.

They beat us to it! And we love it!

We wanted to find the cure for opioid addicted individuals as well as to protect children from the family courts.

The States are incentivized to destroy children’s lives through the family court systems (Title 4 D&E). Bar Association members are incentivized to place children in the worst case possible to cause loving parents to spend every dime fighting for their children’s safety.

This is why, there is typically a straight path for children that starts in the “family” courts and leads directly into Drug Court. We set out to find cures, and found that it’s already available. We just have to implement these programs on a wider scale.

We Love to Study What Has become Evidence-Based Successes

What does Evidence-Based mean?.

Applying Techniques that have been proven

Government corruption can’t be stopped entirely, so long as humans are humans. However, we can heed the advice of McGruff the Crime-Dog and take bite out of crime

Alternatives to Disbanding the Government

Dr. Mitchell S. Rosenthal, a leader in the treatment of addiction created Passageway to help offer employers of a prospective and/or current employee who fails a drug screen a second chance, provided they enter an approved drug treatment program and pass random drug testing.

We want to take lessons learned from Dr. Rosenthal, and use them to clean up the governments across the United States.

Why have 9-12th Grade Students to Preform Screenings on Public Servants and Bar Members?

According to Dean General Major with over 20 years of boots on the ground with the war on drugs: Addiction is a developmental disorder that begins in adolescence sometimes as early as childhood. It’s a win win to teach youth the importance of staying clean while helping Bar Association Members and Politicians that are secretly suffering to get the help they so desperately so they can one day return to their post.     


All experts agree that one of the greatest hindrances to successful recoveries is the stigma that prevents people from seeking the help they need in the first place.
It would do us all good to realize that the Emergency Rooms are full of people that tried something stupid. Unlike skiing from a roof… trying drugs can literally re-wire the brain. They need our love not our condemnation 


A Higher Standard

Its widely understood that we must hold legislators, law enforcement and bar members to a higher standard. This higher standard coupled with the stigma of addiction often prevents them from seeking the help they need. They are just as susceptible to becoming adicts as anyone else. Corruption has now flipped trust in the government upside down. in the 1950s 80% of citizens trusted their government. Today it’s less than 20%. Through screening, treating and restoring. America, can once again have a government that can be trusted.

Trail of Tears of this Millennium

Driving Factors, Pushing Children down the Path

The Trail of Tears for this Millennium is the path most American children take from Family Court to Drug Court. As the courts are incentivized to go against what would be a natural, 50/50 custody they often take away the Dad role from the children’s lives. Thus resulting in the children having only a “mother” and many visitors. While one of the visitors is the children’s former dad. The majority of the visitors that the “mother” has coming and going at various hours of the day and night are often riddled with drug problems….

While every situation is unique, studies have found:

18.3 Million Children in the U.S. alone, are without their Biological Father at Home.
These Children have a 4X greater risk of poverty. Bar Association members benefit greatly, from having a large portion of the citizenry stricken with poverty as this group spends the most on lawyers because these children will be:

7X More Likely to Become Pregnant as a Teen
More Likely to Have Behavioral Problems
More Likely to Face Abuse and Neglect
2X Greater Risk of Infant Mortality
More Likely to Abuse Drugs and Alcohol
More Likely to go to Prison
2X More likely to suffer Obesity
More Likely to Commit Crime
2X More Likely to Drop out of High School

The “Family” Courts are guilty of using trends of evidence-based failures, other than 50/50 custody… to create a trends that 1.) lines the pockets of Bar Members, 2.) destroying the very fabric of America.
We don’t know what percentage of Bar Members engaging in these country destroying practices, do so to pay for cocaine,… what we do know is experts agree that if we test and remove those from the bench that are suffering from an addiction. In as little as two years we can cure them and return them to service, so long as they continue to being subjected to random screenings.

By allowing children to do a ride-along while conducting these screenings of judges and other bar association members:

  • it will help to clean a disastrous and devastating “judicial” system,
  • it will also instill the importance of remaining drug-free at the most opportune time in the youths lives, thus helping to never develop tendencies towards addictions.


Source: U.S. Census Bureau. (2020). Living arrangements of children under 18 years old: 1960 to present.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau.

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If you are looking for evidence-based effective rehab we recommend ShatterProof

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2152 Irvin Cobb Dr, Paducah, KY 42003, United States


Mon – Fri: 10am – 9pm
Weekends: 10am – 3m